Previous Projects


I'm Matthew Fisk

I'm a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at SPU. I'm expected to graduate June 2024.


2D Fluid Simulator made using Bevy and Rust. Team of 4 college seniors.

WebTerrier Interface Frontend

Internship project for Wet Dog Weather. Built them a web frontend for their "Terrier" weather graphics tool. Made using React.

Mock-Up System Proposal

This is a documentation writing assignment I did for my System Design class. It is based around a made up system that has no real plans to be made, but is written as though it would be. Image attributed to Lukas on

Orbit Simulator

This is my most recent project, it is a simple orbital physics simulation written entirely in javascript. It is currently a work in progress, but is entirely functional at the moment. You're welcome to play around with it for a bit, I had a lot of fun making it!

Course Flowchart Generator

Final project for my Algorithms Design Class, written entirely in C++. Takes in a .txt that contains a list of courses, when they are available, their pre-requisites, and credit amount. The code organizes the classes as nodes on a graph and connects directed edges from pre-requisites to later classes. The code performs a DFS traversal and sorts the courseload in a recommended optimal order after given the maximum credit load you are willing to take per quarter. The code generates two bitmap (PPM) images displaying the courseflow as well as a text output.

This was a team project, half of the work was done by Mark Clemmer. I set up the visual aspect and the ordering algorithm. Mark set up the inputs and the graph generation. All aspects of the code have some direct influence by both of us. Many other parts were equally worked on.

The Lemon Graph Library was used for this project.

Java Graph Library

Experimental project to help me understand how graphs are used and implemented. Written in Java, this code allows for the user to input a .csv file containing an adjacency matrix or to generate each node and edge individually.

Allows for DFS, BFS, Djikstra traversals of graphs.

Maze Solver

Software that automatically solves mazes uploaded to it. It was written entirely in C++. Image attributed to platipusmi86 on

Expression Simplifier

Code exploring postfix notation using stack data structures. You can enter any postfix problem and if the syntax is correct it will solve it. Original image attributed to Freepik - Flaticon.

The Start of my Journey: Old Highschool Projects

I was first introduced into videogame design my Sophmore year with an Intro to Game Design class, and I've been hooked ever since. We started out by making a set of games with Javascript and then changing them how we wanted. I later moved onto other languages and tools.


This was the very first game I ever made, just a pong clone. I had fun making all the little images through javascript, it taught me the basics of game code.


The second game I made. This time I experimented with external images instead of shapes in js. It was fun to experiment with a random level system that let the player try to get as far as they could.

Racecar Game

The next game was a proper two player game. Two cars spawn on the canvas, and player 1 is controlled by the arrow keys while player 2 is controlled by wasd. This game is completely made of external images.

Space Shooter Game

I made a top down arcade style shooter in Construct 2. This was pretty fun to make, I explored more in depth code and did something outside of javascript canvas for the first time.

Deep Space

A game I made with several freinds for a videogame design competition. It's important to note that unlike all of the previous games on this page, this game wasn't entirely my own creation. The making of this videogame helped me learn a lot of the value in teamwork and allowed me to bond with my friends.

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© 2022 Matthew Fisk.